Strengthening research capacity

Role of CHW’s in malaria treatment and prevention in Saraya health district, a remote rural area of Senegal

Lead researcher: 


Malaria control and elimination need to be documented through accurate and reliable data. In many countries such as Senegal, the quality of data varies from one health structure to another; furthermore useful health information is rare in remotest areas, due to the lack of trained personnel. In these areas, community based activities using volunteers are being expended and the forthcoming introduction of TDR and ACT at the community level might require careful monitoring of these interventions.

Study objectives

  • To evaluate KAP of CHW’s in relation to malaria.
  • To assess the validity of records kept at local health facilities and their utility for surveillance.
  • To set up a community based pharmacovigilance system with detection, reporting and follow up of SAEs involving CHWs and the potential role of traditional healers
  • To assess the patterns of health seeking behavior


Data will be collected through an active and passive malaria case detection, post mortem interviews, an active and passive follow up of adverse events including traditional healers and evaluation of health providers’ performances.

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