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The effects of malaria in pregnancy on the incidence of malaria during infancy in a high malaria transmission area in Ghana: A prospective cohort study

Lead researcher: 

Malaria in pregnancy (MiP) has serious consequence for the mother and their infants and it is a major public health issue which can lead to maternal anaemia, and poor pregnancy outcomes.

This study investigated the hypothesis that malaria exposure during pregnancy influences the malaria experience of an infant during the first year of life differentially among primigravidae and multigravidae. This hypothesis was being investigated by piggybacking on an ongoing Kintampo Birth Cohort Study. Pregnant women identified through operations of the Kintampo Health and Demographic Surveillance System were enrolled and followed up until delivery for their placental biopsies. Infant blood samples were assessed for malaria parasitaemia, haemoglobin levels and maternal IgG. The risk of malaria among infants born to primigravidae and multigravidae with MiP will be compared.

The funding requested was to facilitate the team to expand the recruitment area and to be able to enrol additional primigravid women within the planned timelines of the Kintampo birth cohort project and also supplement the cost of laboratory work. In order to enrol the additional number of primigravidae, there was the need to extend the recruitment area to the neighbouring district.

Find out more about the results of this study in the following article:

Placental Malaria and the Risk of Malaria in Infants in a High Malaria Transmission Area in Ghana: A Prospective Cohort Study

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